Mercedes Benz Republic Rally Completed

Mercedes-Benz Republic Rally Completed

The Mercedes-Benz Republic Rally, organized by the Classic Automobile Club under the main sponsorship of Mercedes Benz, in Istanbul and witnessed a great excitement, was completed with a magnificent Republic Ball. [...]

mercedes republic rally
German Car Brands

Mercedes-Benz Republic Rally Started

The Mercedes-Benz Republic Rally, organized by the Classic Automobile Club under the main sponsorship of Mercedes-Benz to experience the joy of Republic Day every year, started on Friday, October 28. classic car [...]

Mercedes EQA Compact and Electric
German Car Brands

Mercedes EQA: Compact and Electric

EQA, the exciting new member of the fully electric Mercedes-EQ family, is in Turkey as of May 2022. Carrying the innovative spirit of the brand, EQA offers many solutions, from predictive working strategy to smart assistants. [...]

Mercedes Benz EQS SUV Introduced
German Car Brands

Mercedes Benz EQS SUV Introduced

The newest member of the Mercedes Benz EQ family, EQS SUV, has been introduced. The EQS SUV will share the same platform as the current EQS sedan, but this model will have a higher [...]


The World's Most Expensive Cars

There are thousands of types of cars in the world. But among these cars, the most expensive ones always manage to attract all the attention. Here are the world's worst ones wreaking havoc on the roads. [...]