Volkswagen Group CFO Arno Antlitz spoke about Germany's automotive industry

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Volkswagen Group's CFO Arno Antlitz made important statements about Germany's automotive industry and economic situation. Antlitz shared his thoughts on this subject, stating that Germany's atmosphere seems worse than it actually is. In this article, we will focus on Arno Antlitz's statements and details about the current state of the German automotive industry.

Economic Situation of Germany

While Germany is known as an important player in the worldwide automotive industry, it has recently faced economic difficulties. While the German economy is struggling, especially due to the impact of the pandemic, it stands out as the only country among the G20 economies that is predicted to contract.

According to the OECD, Germany is struggling to gain momentum in the wake of the pandemic, pointing to the complexity of the country's economic situation. Germany must contend with factors such as an energy crisis, large chemical companies relying on competitive gas suppliers, and a lack of demand from China. Additionally, bureaucracy and changing demographic factors increase the risk of Germany losing its attractiveness for doing business.

The Role of the Volkswagen Group

Volkswagen Group stands out as a company that makes a significant contribution to the German economy. According to CFO Arno Antlitz, the company “has a strong small business sector with educated workers and technological and innovative strengths.” These features make the Volkswagen Group's contribution to the German economy strong.

However, VW has to deal with the difficulties it faces in the transition to electric vehicles. There was a slow response to this transition at first, and the situation became even more complicated when problems such as internal errors and internal conflicts were added. VW is striving to cut costs and increase efficiency, but any move requires approval from the powerful labor union.

The Future of the German Automotive Industry

“We have great products,” Antlitz said at a meeting in Frankfurt. “But the same zam“To remain competitive as a company in Germany and Europe now, we also need to do our homework on the cost side.” These words offer important clues about the future of the German automotive industry.

In conclusion, Arno Antlitz's statements and their impact on Germany's automotive industry are important for those who closely follow the developments in this sector. It is of critical importance for the global automotive industry that Germany overcomes its economic challenges and maintains its position as a competitive player.