You are not alone in Burhaniye!

You are not alone in Burhaniye TSPlXgnm jpg
You are not alone in Burhaniye TSPlXgnm jpg

Burhaniye Municipality will serve approximately 2023 thousand people in 35 with the slogan "Health First".

continues to provide health services. Directorate of Health Affairs, Medical Office, Home Health, Pleasant

Come Baby, Funeral Services, Condolence Visits, Dietician, Stray Animals

A wide range of services in many areas such as Nursing Home, Fly and Pest Control


2023 treatments at the medical clinic with 2 doctors working as of the beginning of 20.5

and prescription services were provided, and 8.046 citizens were served in Municipal Health Centers.

presented. 6.644 citizens who cannot come to the doctor's office with home health services

The treatment was carried out in their homes. Within the scope of the “Welcome Baby” project,

Health and care services for 2023 babies and their mothers starting from the beginning of 157

It is presented.

Burhaniye shares the pain of citizens with condolences and free funeral services.

Municipality carried out the burial procedures of 2023 citizens in 708 and the district

It provided home care services to 6.644 elderly citizens living alone across the country.

Routine services such as patient transportation, funeral transportation, medicine distribution and occupational safety are provided uninterruptedly.

Directorate of Health Affairs, which maintains the health of stray animals as much as human health,

gives importance. Burhaniye Municipality Alida Nedim Eraslan Street Animals

The nursing home sheltered and treated 2023 animals in 3.937.

teams provide regular food and water support to stray animals.

carries out sterilization procedures.

Health Department, which regularly carries out pesticides and insecticides that affect human health.

Directorate of Works against drones with non-harmful active ingredient pesticide systems.

continues the struggle periodically.


The President emphasized that they serve every individual in Burhaniye in the field of health.

Deveciler said, “We carry out preventive and protective health services for our fellow citizens of Burhaniye.

We continue uninterruptedly. We cooperate with our citizens in sickness and in health. zammoment hand in hand

we will be. Our understanding of "Health First in All Fields" and our Directorate of Health Affairs

We provide our services without stopping or taking a break for healthier days with our work.

"We will continue," he said. 

Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz News Agency