Technology and New Horizons: Predictions for the Future of Digital Entertainment

With ChatGPT, artificial intelligence and data analysis, we can say that the last few years have been a whirlwind in terms of technological developments. It is especially important that all these developments deeply affect the digital entertainment industry. For example 7Slots casino login If you look at the live casino games page, you can see that there are completely live Turkish croupiers. This shows us that important features such as live broadcast services will become even more important in the future.

So, what exactly awaits us for the digital entertainment industry in 2024 and beyond? As you know, the VR industry has become active again with Apple Pro Vision. People publishing their own usage examples on social media suddenly caused viral content to emerge. In addition, technologies such as artificial intelligence and Cloud gaming have begun to be used frequently. Now let's take a closer look at all these and the predictions that may be the future of digital entertainment.

Development of Artificial Intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence is poised to revolutionize marketing, consumption and, of course, the entertainment industry. If we look closely at the entertainment industry in particular, we can say that most popular online casino sites will start using artificial intelligence assistants. Such artificial intelligence assistants aim to help players understand the game, especially in table games. For example, you sit at a poker table, but you don't know exactly how to play. In such a case, the artificial intelligence assistant will step in and help you step by step to understand the basic mechanics of the game.

Likewise, another area of ​​use of artificial intelligence is that it can adjust the difficulty according to your gaming skills. This generally applies to video games and aims to provide you with a dynamic gaming experience. For example, have you ever thought that in a comprehensive role-playing game, NPCs could be artificial intelligence-oriented and sensitive to your actions? To give another example, the AI ​​enemies used in The Last of US series are designed to react realistically to the player's movements. NPCs train themselves to develop the best possible strategy by analyzing the player's position, movement, and actions.

As you can see, artificial intelligence has already begun to completely change the entertainment industry, especially games. We hope that in the future we will witness many more different areas of use that will strengthen the player experience.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a technology used in every field, from health to art, from the gaming world to education. The entertainment industry has started to get acquainted with augmented reality, albeit slowly. For example, Pokemon GO, which was released in recent years, offered an AR experience with the phone camera. This game, where you can play by hunting Pokemon in the streets, gardens and parks, has been downloaded and played by hundreds of millions of people.

Likewise, there are serious studies on AR in TV shows and movies. For example, you can use AR concept applications that contain structures that reflect the atmosphere of the movie. The important thing here is to include the audience in the atmosphere by using AR as a tool. Although this technology is still in its infancy, we think we can witness it in many movie theaters in the future.

Another important AR usage area is live events, concerts and theaters. To give a simple example, a Travis Scott concert was held in Fortnite last year. Fortnite has started to use this type of concerts frequently using augmented reality-oriented technologies. Most likely, most entertainment industry-focused companies will use AR more widely in the coming years.

Growth of the VR Ecosystem

At the beginning of our article, we talked about Apple Pro Vision and some of its viral usage areas. Providing a particularly comfortable usage experience made the consumer seriously happy. Likewise, Meta's "Meta Quest Pro" device has made the same impact as Apple Pro Vision. So do these VR devices really impact the ecosystem?

Yes, it definitely affects. The VR ecosystem was not an area that was talked about much until Meta company got involved. However, with the entry of Meta, many content creators began to enter this new industry. Here are some important genres of the VR ecosystem:

  • VR Video Games,
  • VR Movies,
  • Virtual Offices (working environments),
  • Historical places with AR,
  • Personalized experiences combining AR and VR.

Many fun activities such as video games, virtual environments, metaverse and virtual offices are now part of the VR ecosystem. Moreover, this VR ecosystem continues to grow every day. Sony is designing the latest generation of innovative VR games with PS VR and Meta Quest. With Apple Pro Vision, you can watch movies almost realistically in IMAX quality. If you look at the videos circulating on the Internet about Apple Pro Vision, you can see that people are turning the walls of their rooms into movie theaters.

Popularization of Cloud Gaming

Video games may now require high-end hardware because they have become extremely realistic. For example, with Alan Wake 2023, which was released in 2, even newly purchased graphics cards started to have serious difficulties. The technology of the game was so advanced that unfortunately most players' computers could not handle this style of game. That's why they had to finish the game in a way they didn't want by reducing the graphics of the game. Probably in the coming years, every game will be released in Alan Wake 2 quality and will seriously challenge computers.

However, you do not need to worry exactly, because Cloud Gaming can be actively used in Turkey. If you haven't heard of it before, GeForce Now, Nvidia's cloud gaming technology, offers services for a certain price. With this service, you can play any game at the highest quality without requiring a powerful graphics card and processor, through the program you download to your computer.

Moreover, there are no problems such as freezing, hanging or decreasing quality. Although only GeForce Now is available in our country for now, Xbox Cloud Gaming will enter our lives in the coming months or years. In this way, you will be able to play all the games included in Xbox Game Pass with cloud technology, even with your computer from 10 years ago.

Live Broadcast Services

The number of platforms offering live broadcast and video streaming services continues to increase day by day. There are Twitch, Kick, Tik Tok, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney and many other options that we cannot think of. The common point of all these platforms is to provide users with a pleasant time by producing unique content. While platforms such as Twitch and Kick appeal to a younger audience and video game lovers, platforms such as Netflix appeal to a general audience. For example, when a new series is released on Netflix, it can be released simultaneously in 130 countries.

We think that global broadcasting like Netflix will spread to most platforms in the coming years. Currently, Amazon Prime has already started doing this. Another important point is that while the entertainment industry is globalizing, content can appeal to local tastes. We can follow movies and TV series belonging to our culture on such platforms. An adventure awaits us in the future, where we will undoubtedly get lost among the content. Moreover, the fact that each platform produces its own content and sells it via subscription may be disturbing for the consumer.