Peugeot's New Electric SUV E-5008 was Introduced in Paris!

Peugeot introduced the new E-5008 model by transforming the Paris Gare du Nord train station into a special stage within the scope of the Something BigIs Coming campaign.

Peugeot attracted the attention of thousands of passers-by with a breathtaking three-dimensional show at the Paris Gare du Nord train station.

Peugeot organized a spectacular launch for the new E-5008 as part of its innovative and bold Something BigIs Coming campaign with Accenture Song.

The magnificent creatures that appeared in Paris's Northern Station, which Peugeot transformed into a futuristic stage and reflected from a mysterious three-dimensional box, an artistic practice that redefines the urban experience, heralded an innovation of great importance for the brand.

This impressive visual performance is the signature of Superbien, a pioneering creative studio in the field of multimedia art that combines the most advanced technology with visual poetry. Three-dimensional projection at Paris's Northern Station has created a visual feast in the form of the new fully electric Peugeot E-5008.

A large electric car; Offering features such as panoramic i-Cockpit, integrated artificial intelligence system ChatGPT, 660 km electric driving range and premium living space including a 7-seat interior, the new Peugeot E-5008 redefines the standards of electric family vehicles. An immersive digital campaign: This experience doesn't just stop with Paris's Northern Station.

To prepare users for this promotion, Peugeot offers a dynamic and interactive digital experience with three-dimensional videos and interesting content on social media. Three projection effects have also been adapted to digital formats for a consistent effect.

Visibility across Europe; The campaign provides global visibility by taking advantage of presence on DOOHs (Digital Outdoor Billboards) located in major European capitals.

A strategic partnership; This campaign marks the beginning of a series of events following the partnership announcement between Peugeot and Accenture Song in 2023, and will be followed by different campaigns soon.