Rate and VAT to TOGG ZamIs: Prices Increasing

Second Domestic Car to TOGG in a Week Zam Came
Rate and VAT to TOGG ZamIs: Prices Increasing

Turkey's Automobile Initiative Group (TOGG), the exchange rate experienced last week zamnow VAT zamwas faced with. This development has resulted in higher prices for the T10X's rear-wheel drive standard range V1 model and V2 models.

TOGG's New Prices

TOGG's T10X model, the price of the rear-wheel drive standard range V1 version increased from 1 million 207 thousand TL to 1 million 227 thousand 500 TL. Likewise, the price of the “V2 Standard Range” model increased from 1 million 307 thousand TL to 1 million 329 thousand 500 TL. The top level “V2 Long Range” model increased from 1 million 537 thousand TL to 1 million 563 thousand 500 TL.

Exchange Rate and VAT Effect

There are two main reasons for these increases in TOGG's prices. First, last week's exchange rate zamIt affected TOGG's production costs. The depreciation of the Turkish lira increased the cost of imported parts, which was reflected in the prices of automobiles. Second, VAT zamis also a factor affecting TOGG's price policy. Increasing VAT rates directly affect the sales price of the car, reflecting higher costs to the consumer.

Exchange rate and VAT in the prices of TOGG's T10X model zamAs a result, increases were observed. This is a factor that causes vehicles to become more expensive and affects the purchasing decisions of potential customers. The changes that TOGG will make in its pricing policy in the coming period and how it will respond to customer demands are followed closely.