Toyota to Collaborate with Universities for Innovative Technologies

Toyota to Collaborate with Universities for Innovative Technologies

Toyota to Collaborate with Universities for Innovative Technologies

Toyota has launched another initiative to apply innovative technology to society, accelerate digital transformations and support carbon neutral initiatives.

Toyota started a joint venture with the Advanced Technology Acceleration Corporation (ATAC) to contribute to its research and development efforts. Established in May 2021, the Innovative Technology Acceleration Platform (ITAP), or Innovative Technology Acceleration Platform, will work to implement extraordinary technologies and inspire new technologies.

ATAC enables the commercialization of new technologies and the development of new initiatives. zamAt the same time, it also carries out industry-academia collaborations. Toyota's joint venture ITAP, which carries out technological research in mobility and beyond, will also provide more dynamic support for the discovery, application and commercialization of innovative technologies by the two companies. This collaboration is the same zamIt will blend the connections and know-how of the two companies at once.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the platform will be its support for universities, research institutions and technology startups. ITAP will work in a wide range of areas including carbon neutral, materials, robots, energy, chip, artificial intelligence and the digital world.

As part of the collaboration, Toyota and ATAC also signed an agreement on technology development with Tokyo University School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Nagoya University.

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