Attention to Dental Care in Iftar and Suhoor!

Dentist Mazlum Akdaş gave information about the subject. Oral care during Ramadan should be done in a similar way by arranging hours. Teeth should be brushed twice after iftar and sahur, and to start fasting with a hygienic oral flora after suhoor, including dental floss, tongue cleaning and mouthwash, will help you protect your mouth environment with increased acidity against bacteria.

Also, bad breath due to long-term hunger is a problem experienced by those who fast in this month. Oral factors that can cause bad breath (presence of old and incompatible bridges-fillings, gum diseases, inadequate oral hygiene, caries, intraoral infection) and extra-oral factors (systemic diseases such as reflux, digestive problems, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, diabetes. or vitamin A, B12, iron and zinc deficiency), this physiological bad breath, which we exclude, is caused by the dehydration of the stomach and mouth environment due to hunger for a long time and its conversion to a much more acidic structure and can be reduced by taking some precautions;

    • Providing effective oral care, preferably using alcohol-free mouthwash as it may cause dry mouth
    • Not skipping suhoor; consuming walnuts, almonds, cinnamon and green tea with this meal
    • Drinking plenty of water between iftar and sahur to prevent dehydration
    • Avoid foods and beverages such as coffee, tea and chocolate as much as possible because they are diuretic. Not to consume in sahur.
    • Avoiding salty, spicy and fried foods, consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables at iftar and sahur
    • Avoiding foods such as garlic and onions
    • Brushing the teeth immediately after consumption, as milk and fish contain proteins that produce bad odors during digestion.
    • Quitting completely, if possible, to reduce cigarette consumption
    • If there is a palate prosthesis, leaving it in a cleansing solution before sleeping

Contrary to what is thought, many dental procedures can be performed while fasting. Necessary procedures such as anesthesia, filling and cleaning can be performed when sufficient care is taken not to swallow the water accumulated in the mouth. However, it would be appropriate to go to the dentist before Ramadan and to postpone non-urgent procedures until Ramadan or iftar in order to prevent emergencies in individuals who are sensitive. In the presence of an emergency, your health is always zamThe moment is important, the necessary procedures must be done and the instructions of the physician must be followed.

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