Who is Abdülmecid Efendi?

Abdülmecid Efendi was born on 29 May 1868, Beşiktaş, Istanbul – died on 23 August 1944, Paris, the last Islamic caliph of the Ottoman Dynasty, painter, musician. sole member of the Ottoman Dynasty [...]


Intercity Bus Prices Double

Due to the ceiling fee application introduced in road passenger transportation with the communiqué published by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on May 14, bus passenger ticket prices will increase by 100-150 percent. [...]


Turkey Bridge and Bridge List Map

Turkey is a country that has hosted ancient civilizations. That's why many historical buildings belonging to these civilizations have survived to the present day. Kırkgöz Arch from Bridges in Türkiye and the World [...]

Check out Seat's Quiet Room
German Car Brands

Check out Seat's Quiet Room

The reverberant room at SEAT's Technical Center in Martorell, Spain, is used to ensure that more than a thousand points, the source of sound in an automobile, from engine to wiper, produce the least noise. [...]