Mitsubishi Electric Presented Artificial Intelligence Technologies to Future Engineers

Mitsubishi Electric, which stands out with its advanced technology solutions in many sectors from "home to space"; Organized in cooperation with Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya and Yalova Universities, III. It met with students at the digital event within the scope of Artificial Intelligence Summer School (YAZSUM 2020). He said further gains great speed due to the pandemic digital transformation is changing our lives Turkey Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems Division Product Management and Business Development Senior Manager Tolga bizelesin; From the advantages of robots with artificial intelligence algorithms to the [email protected] concept that responds to the new industry phase, from the proprietary AI brand “Maisart” technology, which enables companies to get maximum benefit from artificial intelligence, to the Digital Twin application, Mitsubishi Electric's many works on artificial intelligence were shared with the participants. .

Industrialists in Turkey and it is a partner for ambitious infrastructure projects to realize significant investment and work in the field of digital conversion, Mitsubishi Electric continues to communicate with students via a digital platform. Turkey Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation Systems Division Product Management and Business Development Senior Manager Tolga bizelesin; lastly, III., organized in cooperation with Istanbul, Kocaeli, Sakarya and Yalova Universities. Artificial Intelligence Summer School (YAZSUM 2020) met with students on an online live broadcast. The III. Bizel, who participated in the Artificial Intelligence Summer School event, made a presentation titled “Digital Transformation of Factories and Artificial Intelligence Technologies”.

New collaborative robots with artificial intelligence work faster, more intuitively and precisely

Saying that the work done in factories is changing today, Tolga Bizel continued his words as follows: “While robots previously only changed the body of the vehicle, they can now complete the delicate works done by human hands such as installing the lamps and installing the sound system. In the near future, the biggest change expected from robots will be the field of motion technology. Robots with artificial intelligence algorithms will be expected to move the product and work precisely, precisely and flexibly. As Mitsubishi Electric, with the new generation collaborative robots we have developed with artificial intelligence, we enable companies to set up their robotic systems quickly, intuitively and with lower costs, and respond flexibly to rapidly changing business environments and social needs. Thus, it becomes possible to prevent unexpected malfunctions and to warn users in advance about parts that may cause malfunction. Our robots work faster with the power sensor and without damaging the system compared to conventional systems; He gradually increases his performance by learning. Same zamAt this time, the learning time of our robots decreased from 5 hours to 1-2 hours. "

The [email protected] concept saved a company around $ 9 million

Explaining the work of Mitsubishi Electric, which responded to the new industrial phase with the concept of [email protected] at the event, Tolga Bizel said: “With our email protected concept, which realizes the digital transformation of factories, we will create a virtual factory before the factory investment, simulating the line and production, evaluating efficiency. and we offer the opportunity to shape the investment in line with the resulting outputs. In the age of digital transformation, machines are becoming able to understand what is happening around them and communicate with each other through internet protocols. Robots play a very important role in this infrastructure. Today, thanks to the [email protected] infrastructure, robots are able to communicate with other products on the production line and are ready to share information with each other, regardless of human control, as well as with the main system that controls the factory, thereby increasing efficiency. Thanks to our pilot program in a company's Malaysian factory, it has become possible to detect malfunctions in advance and intervene before malfunctions occur. This pilot program; This resulted in high efficiency, possibility of preventive maintenance activities, low component failure rate, low cost and perfect fit. All these results saved the company approximately $ 9 million. ” 

High flexibility is provided with the Digital Twin application

Mitsubishi Electric as with robots and IQ Platform PLCs in one production line of the leading electronics manufacturers in Turkey 'digital twin' voicing perform application Tolga bizelesin, about the project gave the following information: "This interference with the actual production line with our digital twin applications in factory We added flexibility and efficiency to production. For example, a competent person can simulate the production he actually wants to do in the digital twin of the production line by simply changing the parameter and the targeted production is real. zamhe can see how efficiently he will work physically before starting production. "

Productivity increases in artificial intelligence-based factories with "Maisart" technology

Tolga Bizel stated that they use Mitsubishi Electric's proprietary AI brand “Maisart” technology in order to ensure that companies get the maximum benefit from artificial intelligence; “With 'Maisart', which stands for Mitsubishi Electric's AI creates the State-of-the-ART in technology (the latest technology with Mitsubishi Electric's AI), equipment downtime is reduced and efficiency is increased in artificial intelligence-based factories and facilities. Using machine learning algorithm, this technology creates a model for the production machine transition between different operational states after analyzing the sensor data. In this way, in order to increase productivity in factories and facilities, machine anomalies that indicate unexpected situations in the machines are detected quickly and accurately.

"We foresee a future where humans and robots will work together"

As a pioneering brand for nearly a century in the field of digital transformation, we have every effort to establish systems that can function perfectly in production processes, operate smoothly and revise them when necessary. zamStating that they believe that human beings will be needed at the moment, Bizel shared that they foresee that digitalization will not cause people to be unemployed and that people will switch to mental work rather than labor-intensive work, and completed his words as follows: “With the digital transformation, our expectation that a new organizational structure and settlement will be in businesses gains weight. In our transformation experience, which started in 2003 at our Kani factory in Japan, we switched from line production to cellular production and high-tech system equipped with digital transformation. Here, too, we saw that the job description of many employees will change radically. In the future, the factories where robots will work in cooperation with humans are waiting for us. - Hibya News Agency

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