dieci web site is online with its new design

Dieci Web Site is Online with its New Design

The website of Italy-based telescopic loader brand Dieci, whose Turkish distributor is Temsa İş Makinaları, has gone live with its new design. The website, which can be accessed from www.dieci.com.tr, provides the most information that users are looking for. [...]


Boğaçay 38 Tugboat Commemorated

Minister Turhan, in his speech at the commissioning ceremony of the tugboat with advanced propulsion system made by Sanmar Shipyard, said that a zammoments of a shipyard activity almost stuck in Tuzla. [...]

men decide the car

Women in the housing, Men decide the car

The interest-free housing and vehicle acquisition sector, which reached an annual volume of 25 billion TL, completed 2019 with a growth of 120 percent. Vakıfevim Chairman of the Board of Directors Serdar Kolo said, “The participants [...]


Local Car Logo Has Been Announced

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in the "Special with the President" program broadcast jointly by Kanal D and CNN Türk, stated that the logo of the domestic car is "tulip". How Turkey evaluates its Automobile [...]